28 November 2019 3 MIN reading

Vinces moves into a new stage

Dear friends, clients, collaborators,

Ten years ago, we set out to open an office with the -now called- purpose of transforming the relationship between the public and private sector. At a time when the line between participation and clientelism was blurred; the defense of stakeholders’ interests was done through cronyism or contacts; and social legitimacy was set aside, Vinces took a step forward by deciding to create a model to defend and promote a new way of participation. The model was based on social license, technical and regulatory legitimacy and respect for decisions made by Governments, Administrations and political representatives.

Thanks to your trust, today Vinces faces 2020 with offices in Madrid, Barcelona and Brussels, with a team made up by about thirty consultants and experts in public affairs. All of them share a public purpose within the private sector and have legal training, together with specific knowledge on politics, sociology, economics or journalism, as well as bilingual fluency.

However, we are still not satisfied with what has been achieved so far. Our mission is to support organizations and companies by providing necessary knowledge, methodology and tools to legitimately and effectively represent their interests. Public affairs’ added value in the coming years will focus on the ability to convert stakeholder relations into share capital; proactively transforming intricate normative or regulatory information into an honest relationship with the public authorities; based on the ability to exert influence and maximize the aforementioned social license.

While the term might seem overused, the added value transition must be done through digitalization. For this reason, for the past four years Vinces has invested all its profits in applying artificial intelligence to public affairs, and in digitally transforming Government or Public Affairs’ departments, allowing them to manage their interaction with stakeholders more efficiently and effectively.

This new paradigm comes hand in hand with a new brand image and responds to the idea that Vinces is committed to the digital transformation of our organizations; to a model based on method, technical knowledge and ethics. All in all, it responds to Vinces feeling more a partner than a provider, more a sherpa than a guru.

Remaining passionate as ever, concerned about providing a personalized service to clients and having gained maturity -after 10 years of sustained growth-, we would like to thank you all on behalf of our entire team for joining us these past years (and the ones ahead) and we would like to share our new brand image with you.

Let’s continue building legitimacy together.

David Córdova



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